Our incredible host, Katie Richardson, is all flowing with her inspiring guest on today’s episode of the What’s Working Now Show. “Multi-incredible business coach and entrepreneur” Mike Zeller is a master coach and hugely successful businessman. But his success didn’t come without deep failure first, and he’s willing to share! Tune in today and learn how Mike uses his majorly painful, ill-timed failures of the past to help others build security in their success today by identifying their own life genius and doubling their “fail rate.” Tap into Mike’s wisdom and set fire to your potential by learning how to look at life through a lens of abundance.
3 Key Takeaways
- The one thing you can always control in a position of failure
- Key questions to ask before signing in on a partnership
- One powerful affirmation phrase that will change how you see yourself
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[0:55] The story of a moment that’s defined who Mike is today
- The four pillars/filters to finding your own life genius
- One of them is to your defining life experiences
- His real estate business crashes just before his wedding
- Losing about $1 million personally
- Its spawn for his first and second book coming up
[2:50] Handling identity crisis
- His example of a story about PayPal in the early days
- Let certain fires burn until you can handle that fire
- “I can solve one problem today. So I’m going to move that needle forward.” -Mike Zeller
[5:24] Mike’s new internal belief that helped him to tackle that disaster
- “I learned one of the things I can control is my mindset.” -Mike Zeller
- Spending an hour every morning to feed his mind and rewrite his identity
- Praying, reading help books, etc.
- Use the things that go wrong as a lift up instead of a shut down
[8:29] How Zach started to identify what his unique formulas and processes were
- Seeing that he has to let go of a lot of things
- Assessing the clues where he was really great, key relationships, and talents
- Tapping in to what’s already inside of someone
- Steven Kotler’s book, The Art of Impossible
- We are more likely to step into flow when you’re playing your strengths
[13:24] Mike’s book, The Genius Within
- How Mike defines genius
- Everyone has genius within them
[15:00] How Mike decides if he’s going to say yes to something new
- Do I like the person? Do they align with my energy and creativity?
- Do they expand my world?
- Will we do more together than apart?
[16:45] Things that Mike is doing right now to bring excitement in his world
- Writing new books
- “What’s key is content from bona fide expert authority people with something valuable to share” -Mike Zeller
- You have to test out new hooks and offers to get a home run
[20:00] How Mike tests out material for his books
- The 80% rule: The rapid procrastination elimination formula
- Get it out there, and then come back to revise
- Test and fail more; double your fail rate!
[21:50] How Mike utilizes Clubhouse
- Don’t go into most rooms unless you have a chance to speak
- The opportunity to meet other influential partners
- “Look for places you can practice teaching and solving people’s problems” -Mike Zeller
[24:00] Look at life through an abundance lens
- For the most part, people are good people
- We are in a world of disruption that creates massive opportunities for partnerships!
[26:15] How Mike navigates negotiation for partnerships
- Ask where the other person’s genius is
- Think creatively and test
[28:24] How he’s more careful today because of his failures in the past
- Being architect and entrepreneur mentor
- How his life looks different from how things were to things now
- Finding balance through rhythms and waves
- Look at the rhythms through nature!
- Visiting a wonder of the world for a month every year
- Finding balance through rhythms and waves
[33:01] Something that Mike does consistently every day
- Read
[33:17] A book Mike keeps on his nightstand
- The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
- You’re a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
- The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr
- Four Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
- The Bible
[33:50] Why Mike is still reading
- Repetition is the mother of all skill
- Mike wants to anchor it in
[35:37] How Mike’s relationship with God affects is role as a leader and mentor
[37:00] Instrumental advice given to Mike
- Affirmations and declaring where you want to go
- The powerful phrase of “I am”
[41:05] Katie’s challenge to listeners of this episode
Mike’s Website: mikezeller.com
Social Media: @TheMikeZeller
Get his book, The Genius Within, FREE plus shipping at geniuswithin.com or on Amazon
OR Access his other book, 6 Steps to Finding You’re a Genius: text GENIUSU to 474747 (North America)
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
You’re a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr
Four Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler
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