Join host Katie Richardson in her pure excitement to introduce you to our new guest who, as Katie explains, “will inspire you, give you something that’s actionable, and revitalize your passion” all in this one episode on The What’s Working Now Podcast! Guest Brian Bogert will share his incredible personal catalysts that launched him into a better lifestyle of intentionally impacting others for better by first focusing on his inner self. Learn today the absolute importance of self-checking with your emotions, honestly identifying your shame and triggers, and being your most authentic self–societal prescriptions aside!
Find out today how addressing your inner demons will manifest power outwardly and see how, though Brian’s been able to expand business to over 15 million in under a decade, his true focus will always be on “one moment, one breath, one person at a time.”
3 Key Takeaways
- Why you need to identify and understand your shame
- Why you should focus on the “who” before the “what”
- Why you need to learn to properly apologize in order to become a great leader
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[1:10] Brain explains his major informative experience
- Getting hit by a truck going 40 miles per hour in the Walmart parking lot
- Losing his arm
- His nurse guardian angel giving him his life and his detached arm a change to be reattached
- “We all have a unique story to tell. We need to pause and become aware of the lessons we extract from our stories and then become intentional with how we apply them to our lives.” -Brian Bogert
[4:20] Brian shares two significant stories
- “I had to learn early on how to not get stuck by what has happened to me but instead get moved by what I can do with it.” -Brian Bogert
- Moved people move people
- Not having to think about the surgeries and years of physical therapy
- His parents example of embracing pain to avoid suffering
- You already are your most authentic self!
- “I believe that when people can lean into who they are, then we can allow vulnerability and authenticity, that’s when we have an opportunity to allow people to stand on their own two feet.” -Brian Bogert
[6:20] Brain’s goal to impact a BILLION lives
- One moment, one breath, one person at a time
- Understanding that it’s a collective impact
[7:20] Things Brian is doing inside his business to make his goal actionable
- Four entities that focus on the “Who” before the “What”
- Two entities that help people focus on the who’s impact on the world
- Their podcast booking service
- Developing courses and docubooks
- The largest movements in our history tap out at 100 million people
[12:30] Brian’s moment where he lost who he was
- His role of husband and father as the most important role
- Not seeing his son for 6 months
- It means nothing if he’s not present
- His Aha moment came after he stopped getting wrapped up in the what
- Owning as much of who his is today as possible
[16:00] How Brian decided to talk about difficult emotional topics
- It was a process
- Fitting into a box of being a coach in this world
- Becoming a more authentic coach
- “My purpose in this world is to allow my truth to give others permission to live theirs.” -Brian Bogert
- The importance of paying attention to what’s going on inside and shedding layers
- Build a REAL strong foundation
[21:10] Katie tells how she and Brian met at an event
- His apology for one of the things he said to her after reviewing his day and what he’d like to change
- Where Brian learned how to apologize
- Not being able to own apology until he understood his shame
- When we react because of an emotional trigger, we are creating damage
- Repair damage even if it’s unintentional
- To make an apology is NOT a sign of weakness
[25:55] True strength hides behind vulnerability
- When we aren’t vulnerable, we’re assuming we’re not safe
- The longer you hold guilt and armor, the heavier it gets!
- Your armor prevents you from the two things you want most
- To be seen and understood, and be connected
[27:47] Brian’s example of helping his son become more aware
- All it takes is a moment of leaning into “I might not have seen myself as clearly as I thought”
- Learning to apologize in the safety of your own home
[29:30] Applying Brian’s teaching to running your business
- Shame and imposter syndrome will limit our ability to lead and scale our businesses
- Brian’s example of a client who owns commercial real estate
- Giving his employees additional warning
- Unpacking his shame and moving through his trigger
- Now, he’s grown his organization by over 50%
[33:25] What’s working right now for Brian and his organizations
- Amplifying their brand impact and reach
- Not keeping up with systems that would ensure execution
- Implementing a new methodology and project management system to focus on customer journey
- Easily exposing the leaks
- Firming up the foundation!
[35:58] Everything begins and ends with you
- A quote that resonated with Brian
- Working on his business instead of in it
- Katie’s invitation to you!
- How and why Brian and Katie connected instantly
[39:14] Brain’s been fighting for a long time
- His wife’s impact on him being in pain
- It’s not giving up, it’s giving in that’s the problem
- Fighting just swings the pendulum
[41:35] Something Brian does consistently every day
- Meditate
[42:05] A book Brian frequently revisits
- Mindset by Carol Dweck
- Page 157!
[42:51] Really great advice he’s been given in his life
- The only difference between who you are today and who you will be five years from now is in the books that you read and the people that you meet
- There is no limit to what one can accomplish as long as they care not who gets the credit
Social: @bogertbrian
Website: brianbogert.com
Text with him: (602) 704-5189
Mindset by Carol Dweck
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