Scott Anderson joins Katie Richardson on What’s Working Now to explain how understanding an addict helps you understand Burnout. It’s real. It’s diagnosable. It’s overcomeable.
Scott knows first-hand the effects of addiction and the unwillingness to recover. He has found the unwillingness comes from wanting to bullhead one’s way through the problem with previous knowledge. It takes new knowledge and outside viewpoints to overcome.
3 Key Takeaways
- Burnout is a real, diagnosable disorder.
- The stress of entrepreneurship is dangerously addicting.
- Changing things externally is easy. Don’t take the easy route. Change things inside.
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[1:50] Scott starts his origin story.
[3:00] You don’t have to put your mental and physical health on the line as an entrepreneur.
[7:00] Scotts burnout story.
[9:30] Resentment, one of the top 3 symptoms of burnout.
[13:00] Scott explains the burnout phenomenon.
[15:25] Are you on the train to “Burnout City”.
[15:55] Burnout is a distinct bonafide disorder on its own, according to the W.H.O.
[20:35] The stress of entrepreneurship is dangerously addicting.
[22:40] You will burn out. If you don’t discover another way of living your life.
[27:48] A profound sense of perfectionism keeps entrepreneurs from true growth.
[30:24] Giving up control is harder than it seems
[33:05] Recovery can happen quicker than you would think.
[34:30] It’s all up to me. This belief can destroy you.
[35:30] Being “The Guy” is like Heroin.
[39:00] There is hope.
[39:45] We say, “I’ll do anything”, as long as it’s external, in order to not have to change things inside.
[42:00] I’m willing to do anything to recover except recover. You’ve missed your greatest opportunity.
[47:00] Scott unfolds his profound forgiveness process.
About Scott Anderson
Scott Anderson is a serial entrepreneur, currently launching company number five, having sold six of his companies. He’s an executive coach, a licensed mental health therapist, and founder of PTSD Treatment, Tech Accelerator. And the website for that is ateaseusa.org. He’s the creator of Burnout Breakthrough, a system proven to help leaders and their teams recover from and prevent the exhaustion and hopelessness of burnout in order to live their best lives ever.
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