Adam Sewell is a triple-board physician, but who he is, really, is so much more than a physician. Adam is an entrepreneur, looking to change the numeric, minimalist approach of physicians into a program that gets you to your optimal health, even if you aren’t “sick.” Join our host, Katie Richardson, as she interviews this exceptional guest of today’s episode of the What’s Working Now Show. Apply his knowledge base of systemizing a personal process into a teachable course to any entrepreneurial endeavor. Discover how mindset has power over outward impact down to your brain frequencies and find out how your body has power over your creativity. Because, as Adam explains, creating an impactful system all starts with asking: “Is this where I’m supposed to be?”
3 Key Takeaways
- Why you need to be okay with failing
- A reason to reexamine your energy and thought
- What opened a floodgate of doors for Adam in middle school
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[0:10] Katie reminds us why it’s called What’s Working Now
[0:30] Katie introduces our exceptional guest
- Meeting at a Mastermind
- He could tell Katie is in pain
- Triple-board certified physician
- His experience watching his father with scoliosis
- Inspired by the Doogie Howard
- Admission into college in middle school and graduation two weeks after turning 18
- His internships and residencies in noteworthy hospitals
- How he Helped Katie
- “Treat every patient as if they were a family member”
- Making medicine simple
- Make that human connection
[7:25] Adam tells a story that’s shaped who he is today
- Asking a girl to do a slow dance in middle school
- A kid shatters both of his legs
- “This is what I ask for entrepreneurs: Is this the place you’re supposed to be?” -Adam Sewell
- Discovering that middle school wasn’t the right place for him
- Thinking differently is what opened so many doors
- Katie talks about his powerful humility
[12:00] Why he hates being a doctor in the system
- What is the main problem people are having?
- The business model of surgery
- Get out of the market side and help people genuinely
[14:30] How he managed those that pushed back
- Those that get angry saying it’s all already been done
- His experience in the trauma unit
- A man reacting to his medicine
- Talking to his patient and taking him to the trauma center across the street
- “Sometimes you have to break the rules to do what’s right.” -Adam Sewell
[19:00] What Adam uses as his barometer of what’s right
- Your gut instinct is the most underused thing that we have
- People have a certain level of intuitiveness
- The closer you get to a person, the more you can see what’s wrong with them
[21:20] Other things that help Adam make decisions
- Your education system affects how you make choices
- Don’t focus on not making mistakes; realize that they are unavoidable and do the best you can
- It can’t all be mapped out!
- “Realize it’s okay to fail. Everybody I know who’s successful has failed in multiple things.” -Adam Sewell
[22:35] How Adam built his skillset into a business model
- Reading business books even in his residency
- Nothing is stopping you in the business niche
- It’s all about building teams and adding value with a repeatable process
- “What did I do today that would provide more order to the system?” -Adam Sewell
[27:00] What Adam is doing right now to bring order to “the wild west”
- Some high-functioning people aren’t sick but want to be the best version of themselves
- “Every day that you spend not at your optimal best is a day where you’re not getting the best impact from your time.” -Adam Sewell
- Katie shares how she was less distracted when the pain went away
[32:00] Creating a standard for aesthetic medicine
- Starting at a medical spa
- It’s for people who want to feel good and confident
- Helping providers learn the art of aesthetic medicine
[34:50] How to begin to systemize an art
- It has to be very individual
- You still have systems and protocols, but you have your own brain frequency
- Develop your team to have that frequency
- Calibrating your focusing
- Look at the ideal, make sure you’re in a good state yourself, then scale
[38:00] Start with your mission
- What is the feeling you want to create in your customer?
- Spiritual versus physical creation
- Energy and thought is a spectrum
[40:50] Something Adam is excited about right now
- The way that his team grows
- “More now than ever, people want to do something that has an impact on themselves.” -Adam Sewell
[42:10] What Adam does to feel free
- Physicians have the highest suicide rate
- Create something, even small
- Then ask how you can create prosperity through it
- “Freedom through prosperity”
- Diversify nationally
- “You’re a creator. You should be able to create without any kind of barrier.” -Adam Sewell
[46:33] Something consistent Adam does every day
- Predating
- Set an intention for what you want to do next
- Write it down
[48:05] A book he keeps on his nightstand
- Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
- Dan Kennedy books
- Russel Brunson books
[49:00] Good advice that’s benefited Adam
- Always do what makes you happy
- It’s all a matter of perspective
Social: @AdamSewellMD
Gmail: [email protected]
Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
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