This Was Absolutely Crucial for Me to Have a Healthy Life with Travis Chambers
If you have an online company and are looking to expand your audience, you won’t want to miss today’s episode of What’s Working Now! Travis Chambers is founder of Chamber Media, one of the biggest media marketing companies in the United States. Travis’s journey was certainly not an easy one, with a family crisis as the catalyst for the moment Travis knew that he couldn’t be a corporate man anymore and be happy.
Today, Travis shares some of the moves he made originally that expanded Chamber Media, from the world’s longest treadmill dance to charting men’s vs women’s clothing. Travis also shares the results from a massive, year-long database experiment, identifying the seven ads that expand business anywhere. But most importantly, learn how Travis has learned that building genuine relationships both behind the desk and off the clock has been not only recharging for his personality, but absolutely crucial for a healthy life.
3 Key Takeaways
- Why you should have constraints on your creativity in order to perform at your best.
- The seven foundational ads discovered by Travis’s year-long study at Chamber Media.
- Why you need to look for those things that are “like breathing air” to you.
Show Notes
[1:00] Tracis shares some of the stories that led him to where he is today
- His experience with his father working up to 70 hours a week
- His father gets parkinson’s disease
- This crisis as a pivotal moment that made him decide to leave corporate and start a media company
[3:40] Travis’s biggest hit after founding Chamber Media
- His first big project for Nordictrack
- The world’s largest treadmill dance
[5:50] Foundational elements that Travis goes back to that are working right now
- Putting 50,000 ads into a database to study which ads perform the best
- The seven foundational ads
- 1: Spokesperson/everything ad
- 2: Product demonstration
- 3: Social proof ad
- 4: Dynamic ads
- 5: Case study
- 6: Lifestyle
- 7: Doorstep
- Understanding that this is an aggregate
- Sharing “The Brain”
- Unicorncopy.ai
[15:00] Travis explains his chart comparing men’s clothing to women’s clothing
- What men look for from their clothing advertisements vs women
[17:35] How Travis brings creativity to the statistic side of marketing
- The creative paradox
- “That’s the thing humans are really good at. That’s why this imperfection and this frequent missing of the mark, this randomness, it naturally occurs when people are making stuff. We encourage our team to go down those rabbit holes.” -Travis Chambers
- Using limitations to be more creative
- Giving a space for people to fail/make mistakes
- “If you create the structure and then you rely on people to make mistakes, you will get exactly what you’re looking for.” -Travis Chambers
[22:27] Using a four day work week to encourage people to spend time doing other things in order to foster creativity
- No one’s creative after 12 hours
- Travis’s example of two hours of greatness in a day
[28:48] The different approaches for paid ads vs organic traffic
- Travis’s leads come from making ads for their own company
- Why organic is difficult to scale
- “I’m just noticing that the brands who are getting into the $20-5000 million plus that we’re working with, it’s always paid [ads]. It’s the only thing that can scale like that.”
- Facebook’s partnership with Roku
[28:47] Travis’s deeper purpose in Chamber Media
- Considering his friend who is a doctor
- 100 people get to express themselves and have a creative outlet
- The influence on employment because of their paid ads
- Making people laugh
[32:00] “If I’m taking 20 seconds of someone’s day, they need to at least be happier from it.” -Travis Chambers
- Creating a connection through relatability
[34:30] Something that Travis does consistently every day
- Pick up the phone and call family and friends for no reason
- Putting it out into the world that you care about people
- How Steve Jobs was a cheerleader
[39:40] What’s “like breathing air” for Katie
- Working with her hands
- How you put a value on the ability to gather people together
- The 140 acre land that travis just bought and how he made it purposeful
- An AirBnB, Starwars experience
- Embracing the “unexpected”
[48:22] A book that Travis keeps on his shelf
- A Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E Frankle
[51:49] Advice Travis wants to share with us
- Sometimes we don’t feel qualified to share with others, but everybody does have something important to say
- Take the ego out of it
Connect with Travis Chambers
Travis’s resource suggestion: www. unicorncopy.ai
LinkedIn & Instagram: @Travis_Chambers
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