On this episode of the What’s Working Now Show, we get to take a look into host Katie Richardson’s coaching world by discussing the story of the “world’s most amazing entrepreneur,” in Katie’s opinion. Guest Josh Forti is one of Katie’s infamous “exceptional people,” not because he’s the multi-million-dollar success story that he is today, but because of how Josh learned to push through deeply dark times of identity crisis, crashing finances and management, and dehydrated relationships. Get inspired from Josh’s open personality about the absolute cruciality of knowing where you’re going and why you believe what you believe, and learn his four amazing reasons to push through your darkest days with proven tips on how to get out of that position in the first place.
3 Key Takeaways
- Why it’s more important to know where you’re going and why than it is to make money
- How high performers function differently from the average person
- The fallacies behind work/hustle culture that may be pitfalls for your entrepreneurial journey
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[0:40] Katie introduces how Josh came in to her world
[2:00] Josh tells us a story of a moment that changed his life
- Moving across the country at 11 and living on a farm
- The moment Josh decided to work with Katie
- His brother dies in a helicopter crash
[4:40] Josh sells his company to travel and is in a lost place
- “What am I doing with my life? What comes next?”
- Telling his girlfriend he needs a coach
- How Katie was different from all of the other coaches
- “It was the moment that I decided I’m going to commit to being something more than what I am right now.” -Josh Forti
[9:00] Choosing to make the bet on himself
- “When you buy into a system, you’re betting on it. At the end of the day, all of that comes down to yourself.” -Josh Forti
- Living in a life where money was always a struggle and hard work was always a decision
- The internal wall that he learned to fight in order to unlock his potential
- “Your internal mind plays everything into your external circumstances.” -Josh Forti
[13:50] Discovering that money is not the solution to your problems
- The first time Josh crossed $100,000
- Being terrified
- “Even though I was making money, I didn’t know what to do with it.” -Josh Forti
- Becoming so miserable that he crashed
- “If you don’t know where you’re going and you don’t know how to get there, you’ve got a problem.” -Josh Forti
[17:55] The three things you need to be successful
- A vision and a goal
- A proven path to get there
- Hard work
[19:15] What his workaholism looked like and what his life looks like now
- Their hard work culture as an identity and competition
- “It was this belief that if I wasn’t the hardest worker in the room that no one else would work hard.” -Josh Forti
[21:49] Josh’s experience attending a talk about someone who made $1 million by doing practically nothing
- The work culture of his childhood’s effect on his present life
- “When you’re in alignment with where you’re going, work becomes almost effortless.” -Josh Forti
- His swimming analogy
[27:00] How Josh handles controversy and criticism
- How high performers function differently from the average person
- Trade your time for a different currency
[30:00] One of the biggest lessons Josh has learned in his life
- Actions are not equal
[31:30] Josh shares some of the values that drive him through the tough moments
- His religion
- You must know what you believe in and why you believe in it
- “I absolutely believe that we are here for a higher purpose.” -Josh Forti
- You just have to be true to your word; follow through!
- Have passion about your work
- “Be passionate about what you do because it’s 100% certain that you will have bad days.” -Josh Forti
- Know why you believe what you believe
[38:35] Josh’s advice to listeners who want to follow their passion but don’t have all of these answers
- 80% of your daily life, you’ll probably question everything
- You’ll never have all of the answers, which is why you need to know why you believe in what you believe in
- Where to start: ask yourself “Who are you?”
- It all comes back to who you see yourself as
- “Your identity controls every aspect of your life. Knowing that is the most important thing.”-Josh Forti
[45:15] Addressing the skeletons in your closet
- We’re scared because it’s messy!
- The messiness is just getting in your way
[47:00] Something that people would be surprised to learn about Josh
- He’s such an open book today
- People think Josh has an ulterior motive on his social accounts
- Instead, his purpose is to ask: “How do I ask the best questions so that I get the best information so that I can become my best self and help others do the same?”
- The only way you get the right answers is if you ask the right questions
[49:15] The power of story
- Your master story
- How do I start conversations where people tell their real story?
[51:50] Katie attests to Josh’s integrity and heart of gold
[52:55] The tactics that allow Josh to remain strong in his belief
- Being the same person online as in person
- When you’re insanely honest with yourself and others, it brings a level of trust
- Be absolutely certain about what you believe, but also have an open mind to arguments against it
- “I don’t want to be right. I want to know what is right.” -Josh Forti
[57:35] Something Josh does consistently every day
- Read
- Talk to God
[58:20] A book Josh keeps on his nightstand
- The Bible
- Expert Secrets by Russel Brunson
[58:35] Advice that’s really served Josh well
- Know what you believe and why and be able to defend it
- Buy assets and you’ll be rich
[59:40] What Josh does for people
- “I teach people how to explain what they do in a way that makes people buy.” -Josh Forti
- Doing it through master stories, coaching, workshops, and more
- Josh’s favorite thing in the world: words!
[1:04:37] Josh adds one last note
- This wouldn’t be possible without Katie!
Website: joshforti.com
Social: @joshforti
Podcast: The Josh Forti Effect
Expert Secrets by Russel Brunson
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