Today’s episode of What’s Working Now is another one for the books. Host Katie Richardson’s guest is known by many names: Jean Claude Doornick, JC, the DRAGON, but whatever you call him, what he does is impressive. Jean Claude is a humanitarian, founder of an under health transformation company, author, podcaster, active family member, and genuine life-liver.
Today, JC shares how his story from false confidence, to suicidal lows, and now to an abundantly thankful and prosperous life has shaped how he decides to wake up every day, how he spends his time helping others, and reprioritized his family and the true meaning of success. Get crazy inspired today to keep trying, utilize compassion, and be a healthy “taker.”
3 Key Takeaways
- Why you need to say “thank you” as soon as you open your eyes
- The importance of remaining compassionately curious
- How to avoid being affected by “flow burglars”
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[1:00] What has gotten Jean Claud to this point
- “I’m always wondering WHY is it working now as well.” -Jean Claud
- Looking back at his road and identifying what wasn’t working to push him to look for what is working
[2:27] Jean explains why he calls himself a dragon
- Looking at who he is now as his past self, he would have thought he’s a mythical creature
- Jean’s snap moment
- Using confidence to cover insecurity
- Questioning himself in a moment
- Suddenly feeling fear
- Spiraling into depression
- His one hour session with a lady about his moment on the train
- His birthday’s affect on his self-confidence
- “As quick as you can find yourself lost, the same thing can happen where you can be found.” -Jean Claude
[10:40] Completely regaining his confidence
- Deciding to make three changes
- Stop making everything about himself
- Never go back to the dark side
- Spend the rest of his life making sure others don’t have to go through the dark place
- Jean’s two circle analogy
- The Creator and the Creation
[13:11] “I believe that we have everything we need but we just see it in the wrong way sometimes.” -Jean Claude
- His biggest lesson in life
- Radically accept that we’re wired to perceive things in a certain way
- When something happens, it’s important to understand WHY you think and feel what you do
- “Are you sure of that, or is that just what you think and feel right now?”
[16:05] How Jean evolved
- Retiring as a chiropractor five years ago with a goal to serve others
- Starting a worldwide humanitarian agency
- Really seeking identity
- “We’re all seekers of the ‘-ER.’ We all want to be happier, healthier, and wealthier.” -Jean Claude
- “Maybe you’re just practicing things right now to prepare to be you 2.0.” -Jean Claude
[19:40] The greatest quote that JC’s ever heard
- “If you continue to lick the lollipop of mediocrity, you will suck forever.”
[20:00] The things Jean is doing right now to not live in mediocrity
- Living in financial freedom as minimalists
- “We have nothing in our lives that doesn’t matter and no one that won’t support where this bus is going.” -Jean Claude
- Owning a transformation coaching company
- Starting a podcast
- Writing a book about controlling how you act
- Don’t get caught up in what you’re doing, and be open to ideas.
- “As soon as your eyes open in the morning, say thank you. And a few minutes later when you’re conscious, say thank you for something specific.” -Jean Claude
[23:58] The magic of Jean’s morning
- When your feet hit the ground, as “how can I help?”
[26:20] How influential being compassionately curios has been in Jean Claude’s life
- Creating a structure to deal with difficult things and getting beyond them
- The little approach you can practice: “Humm”
- Cognitively distance yourself from the situation that affects you
- Be careful of “flow burglars”
- “It’s okay to be afraid, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do things.” -Jean Claude
[34:10] Things that JC does to differentiate between the inner “little liar” and his true potential
- Rather than thinking about what’s possible (which is based off of what you were taught) and instead look at what you want
- The analogy of pushing your head under water
- What’s like air to you? What is your north star?
- Don’t let the naysayers apply in the future
- “We have to get to the level where wants become needs, and needs become musts.” -Jean Claude
- Paying it forward
- Be able to know where their starting point is
[43:46] Something Jean does consistently every day
- Control his consumption
- Take exercise seriously
- Start with his family
[44:55] A book Jean revisits
- The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu
- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
[47:10] Advice that has really helped Jean
- Humans don’t think, say, or do anything without getting value out of it
- Open up to receiving
- Katie’s invitation to take action on what Jean’s taught you!
The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
LinkedIn: @Dr.JC Doornick
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