If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur who feels like you’re stuck in a rut, struggling to get ahead financially or grow your business, this episode on What’s Working Now is for you. You’ll hear from Nicholas Bayerle, an expert on business growth, on how he used a system to get financial stability, growth, and improved quality of life. He’ll outline how he did it in detail alongside host Katie Richardson and explain how you can use the same system to achieve your own goals.
3 Key Takeaways
- To sell people on the vision of why they should work with you in a down economy, show them why they should jump on board with the vision and choose you over everyone else.
- When you’re in a recession, it’s volatile. There’s even more opportunity for you right now. Counter that fear narrative and see those chances that you’re missing.
- It’s important to remember that not all industries are affected equally. Some industries, such as healthcare and food production, are actually doing quite well in a down economy.
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[00:00:01] – Nick and Katie are talking about recession protection. Nick lost £60, graduated with 18 GPA from school and married his wife. Katie built her business starting in 2008 and built it into a multi-million dollar international Business 2000 stores in the US and 26 different countries.
[00:02:39] – Nick shares a story from the last down economy about keeping to your business plan. There are some people who are doing well in their industry and others who are failing. It’s usually the ones who have the education that are succeeding in the current economic situation. In his own case, he started focusing on what he did and focusing on the people that were winning, not what they said.
[00:15:23] – When the market moves, companies need to move with it to get a competitive advantage. You get there by understanding the art of communication, learning how to sell, and building and creating desire for people through your products, your brand and your services. You can become number one in your category by being willing to pivot.
[00:16:34] – The two most important investments you can make in your business are investing in yourself and your skill set and investing in your own business. When there’s some type of economic shake-up, some people change their mind and don’t show up, while others are consistent and reliable. People will not go into business with someone who is volatile because they don’t trust them.
[00:21:17] – There’s a recession and people are worried about it. People should focus on investing in the things that make them money rather than on frivolous things. Take Joseph from the bible for example. Success is not building a life where you don’t need anything from anyone but helping people.
[00:31:55] – There are many variables that an entrepreneur considers as they’re trying to make decisions and move towards their targets. Entrepreneurs have to balance working on the business with setting the vision and making sure that they’re servicing the clients that they want to.
[00:32:33] – Focus on the long-term goals and targets at the same time as addressing the fires that are in front of you. Community is the only way to reach out to people for help. Seclusion is the number one killer of success in humans.
[00:41:02] – Take action on what you’re hearing. Nicholas also advises to write it on a piece of paper and say it out loud.
About Nicholas Bayerle
Nicholas is an entrepreneur that is in love with the hustle. Growing up, no one would have thought he would be the guy to land a hot wife, build a successful business, and live a healthy/fit lifestyle. He is 25 and created one of the top lifestyle brands for men, The Billion Dollar Body. Nicholas was named top 21 influencers and top 30 under 30 influencers. He puts on masterminds and live events, where hundreds of men come to grow themselves and their impact.
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