It’s time to level up your life and grow your business as a result! Today on The What’s Working Now our host Katie Richardson presents Dr. Michael Turner, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, who has helped to personally change Katie’s life into a painless and energetic experience. Learn the direct correlation between your sleep and the next day’s productivity. Get tips on why altering what you include in your meal, among other tips and tricks, will increase your white blood count so that you can grind without a bind. Finally, Dr. Turner will share what keeps him invested and energized in a field that suffers pressure from social and political pushback (and it’s not about the money).
3 Key Takeaways
- Michael’s 4 main ways entrepreneurs can improve their health
- How eating something as simple as garlic will increase your white blood cell count
- Why you should anticipate and do something pleasurable every day
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[0:20] Katie introduces Dr. Turner
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist
- Over a decade of clinical experience
- Working with patients suffering from COVID, fibromyalgia, and more
- Graduate of Harvard/Stanford and Mayo Clinic residency
[1:43] Katie explains why she invited Dr. Turner on the show
- An experience that’s shaped who he is today
- His required health class as a student in 10th grade
- Writing down everything he eats in a day
- Becoming a new, clean eating individual after that
[5:41] Doing additional research to test what the limits should be
- “What would it feel like to be as healthy as I possibly could be?” -Dr. Michael Turner
- Living the things he teaches others
[8:10] Willing to speak up: what Dr. Turnerdoes to put his message out without being shut down
- His oath to serve his patients first
- If it’s the government/social versus the patient, he’ll choose the patient
- His first issue: who defines what’s good COVID knowledge and what’s information?
- His second problem: even if you have a good team of doctors where nothing else is allowed to be propagated, then you’ve squelched science
- Science is meant to progress through discussion
[12:13] What is Dr. Turner doing about that?
- His guide: How to Prevent and Treat COVID
- He will tell you everything he knows to help you do that
[13:24] Advice for the entrepreneur looking to protect their health1) Adequate sleep
- “The quality of your immune system today is largely determined by the quality of your sleep last night.” -Dr. Michael Turner
- His example of a study conducted on healthy sleepers in one night
- Your immune system is also an anti-cancer mechanism
- “I want you to get emotionally excited at putting your head on the pillow and falling asleep.” -Dr. Michael Turner
[18:50] Part 2) Exercise
- Cardio creates higher content of white blood cells
3) Things that you eat
- Garlic, onions, mushrooms, etc. are better for the immune system
- Katie shares a time she helped her son heal a disease quickly
- Certain supplements can help
- Zinc for COVID, vitamin C, and vitamin D
[26:20] Dr. Turner explains his occupation as a school teacher
- His 5th grade trial by fire/a California private school
- Bringing his teacher hat with him into medical care
- “If you knew what I knew, then you’d be as motivated to take care of yourself as I am to try to take care of you.” -Dr. Micheal Turner
[28:23] One of the beauties of medicine
- Getting into the mindset of a patient
- Get some buy in from the patient
- Getting further into setbacks and self-talk
- His metaphor of the chef and the forest guide
[33:02] What drives Dr. Turner to navigate the world and be courageous
- “It’s God’s love that’s motivating me.” -Dr. Michael Turner
- No one is created without a role
- Each person is unique
- “There has never been a person like you, and there never will be again.” -Dr. Michael Turner
- Each person is unique
- Discover your role!
- Showing his love for the world honestly
[36:33] Things that are working right now for his business in getting the word out
- It’s growing right now
- Actively working every day to get the word out
- Spending time to develop and hone his art in order to share
[40:35] Something Dr. Turner does consistently every day
- Connect with God
- Eat good food
- Anticipate and do something pleasurable every day
- Do something physically hard
- “Just that discipline and routine teaches me to push my boundaries and not quit.” -Dr. Michael Turner
- Learn something every day
- His example of learning about colors
[44:10] A book he revisits
- The Bible
- Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
- An ultimate true life story of character
[48:00] Advice that he’s received that really served him
- “Give people the benefit of the doubt. Assume good intentions.” -Dr. Michael Turner
- “Ultimately, you can never judge a person’s intentions. you can only judge what they do.” -Dr. Michael Turner
- “Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.” -unknown
Website: michaelturnermd.com
Dr. Turner’s anti-aging services
Dr. Turner’s men’s health program
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
His PDF on preparing against COVID:
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