YES! It’s really him, Gary Vaynerchuck!
A couple weeks ago I received a personal invitation from Russell Brunson to attend an amazing gathering of entrepreneurs and marketers in Boise Idaho.

Gary V and Me!
It sounded so AMAZING and super fun!
But it also felt like I’m traveling a lot right now and sometimes you have to say “no”. So that’s what I did.
Fast forward to Thursday this week, the day before the event, and I’m thinking, “Why am I not going to this event?”
And just as I’m thinking this Ben says, “Katie, you’ve got to be in Boise tomorrow. You can’t miss this!”
So, I packed a bag, Voxed Russell’s team to let them know I’m coming, got up at 3:30am and drove out of town.
The event started at 12pm and I pulled up at 11:55am.
I MADE IT 🙌🏻 I couldn’t even believe it!
It was one of those experiences that reminded me of who I am.
I’m a woman who is bold and takes action despite my thoughts, feelings, emotions, or moods.
I’m adventurous and leap into the unknown.
I take action even when there’s no guarantees.
Yesterday I did just that. And because of that I got to “interview” JP Sears 😉 Ask Gary Vaynerchuck a question, and spend the day with some of the most inspiring entrepreneurs
So my question to you is this:
Are you living boldly and taking the actions necessary to get you where you want to go?
And my BOLD won’t look like your BOLD. But I do know, when I step into the dark, and get outside my comfort zone….
✨ MAGIC Happens
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