Katie Richardson brings two exceptional guests to the table on today’s conversation on the What’s Working Now Show. Brothers, expert soccer players, and self-made entrepreneurs Luis and Fonzi Camejo run their own podcast, Content is Profit, where they’ve connected with hundreds of entrepreneurs and offered expert advice on producing effective content. Get key information on how they maintain a balance between a monetary gain/social marketing perspective and a healthy growth, business perspective. Find out why consistency should always be #1 at home or at work from their personal and, at times, painful experiences. Ultimately re-center your worth as not only attached to your entrepreneurial dream and find ways to work in spaces that energize you.
3 Key Takeaways
- Why consistency should be key in your business
- The danger of dabbling across too many content platforms
- Ways to keep a healthy relationship between you and your work partner (especially if it’s family)
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[0:05] Katie talks about her beautiful location in Costa Rica and her two exceptional guests
- Bringing on brothers from Venezuela as exceptional soccer players
- Their decision to make a living for themselves and their families using enterprise and impact
- Their podcast: Content is Profit
[1:30] The story of a moment that has shaped how they view the world today
- Fonzi: when his older brother left home for the first time
- You can leave home at 15 to peruse your dreams
- Deciding that he wanted the freedom that his brother experienced
- Luis’s version: growing up playing soccer
- Going to two or three practices a day
- His family’s influence and saving money by recycling in order to go to Italy
- His dad helped to build their character
- Getting selected immediately to play soccer at 15
- Not knowing the language
- Relabeling his fear as excitement
[7:00] The commonality between high-performing athletes and high-performing entrepreneurs
- Identifying as soccer players for so long that when it ended, Fonzi lost part of his identity
- Getting chosen to play for a professional team
- Deciding between school and playing soccer
- Not getting offered a contract
- “What’s next?”
- “Even if you have that drive to pursue a dream, sometimes when that dream is bust, it might take a while to get momentum to find the next one.” -Fonzi Camejo
[11:10] There are unexpected roadblocks
- Your identity can’t be affected drastically by your entrepreneurial dream
[12:40] How did they start to make that shift?
- Luis’s similar experience to Fonzi in Spain
- “I need to go try different things to see what I want to do next.” -Luis Camejo
- How his experience differed from Fonzi’s
- Trying different things for six to seven years before arriving at their podcast
- “We didn’t enjoy the process, but we did enjoy the relationship.” -Luis Camejo
- Soccer was a vehicle to discover what excites them, but it wasn’t them
[17:30] The act of sharing thoughts and sharing with people is what attracts them
- It isn’t about the number of downloads
- Look consistently for ways to adapt
[20:00] Things people should know about content creation but don’t ever talk about
- People get content confused and overwhelmed
- Trying to be everywhere at all times creates stress and removes purpose
- “How can we be more consistent? Consistency is #1.” -Fonzi Camejo
- Focusing on the quality of the message over the quality of production
- Getting clients because of the consistency of their content
- “It doesn’t need to be perfect or overcomplicated. It just needs to be consistent.” -Fonzi Camejo
[24:00] They talk about Cathryn Jones recognizing their publishing pyramid
- Just speak a lot in front of the people you want as your audience
- Luis: There’s a difference between a YouTuber perspective and a business perspective
- “How can I create something I enjoy so I can do it over time?” -Luis Camejo
- “There’s a lot of ways to build a business, but you’ve got to put it in a place where you are energized.” -Katie Richardson
[29:30] Relationships are key for making a personal connection
- “How do we go and build awesome relationships with awesome people? -Fonzi Camejo
- Conducting over 200 interviews with new friends
[32:00] Mistakes that they see people making when it comes to content
- Luis: Rushing
- Don’t think about something, create it, and then release it all at once
- Create a system where you can operate at high energy
- Their framework: M2M (Macro to Macro)
- They just started YouTube shorts
- Fonzi adds to Luis’s comments
- Sometimes you need creative rest
- “Create out of your comfort zone but understand that one of these is going to be the best for you.” -Fonzi Camejo
- How can you create a community piece? How can you use leverage with relationships?
- Your creation zone doesn’t have to be just podcasts
[38:25] Fast and easy ways to multiply your content creation
- Luis: Have a team do it if you can, but you need your own framework of creation
- Start simple with what you want to create, and where you’ll distribute it
- Add ideas and pieces as you go
- Measure your time!
- There are different tools you can leverage on your own
- Eg: Descript, Veed.io
- “If you have a good output, a clear objective, your team is going to be able to do it for you” -Fonzi Camejo
- Fonzi: Structure is key!
- Do the same intro and questions asked at the end
- Craft your content and questions specifically
- Have someone on your team listening in
[43:25] Things that allow them to work together and maintain a strong brotherly relationship
- Understand that they are family and family is at the top
- Have a weekly meeting and be willing to look inwardly
- This might take a while to put into place
- “If you’re going to bring a problem to the table, you need to bring solutions.” -Fonzi Camejo
- Assign individual capacities
- Accept that there are going to be challenges at the end of the day, but the decision can’t be based on ego
- What is the common goal that you’re working for?
[49:45] Something they do consistently every day
- Luis: smile and say out loud what you’re grateful for
- Fonzi: coffee, start with gratitude, physical exercise
[51:30] A book they keep on their nightstand
- Luis: listen to fiction to disconnect
- Inferno by Dan Brown
- Fonzi: Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer
[55:40] They take two minutes for Luis to tell a story
- Why they decided to move to the states due to a government take-over
- Suturing his foot from an event at a friend’s house
- His scholarship is pulled away due to the injury
- Calling/emailing every US college due to being kidnapped for a night
- Realizing that things happened for a reason to get them to the US
[2:12] What’s working right now?
- Fonzi: having a strong support system and taking care of those you love
- A company with lots of gratitude
- Setting your intentions and being more present
- Luis: consistency!
- Applying it to many parts of the business but also his life
- Is he consistent with his wife and kid?
[8:05] Katie shares a memory of tucking her kids into bed
- “Katie, they need you.”
Podcast: Content is Profit
Website: contentisprofit.com
Social Handle: @bizbrosco
Instagram (send us a DM!)
Inferno by Dan Brown
Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer
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