The 1% Shift That Will Make The Difference Between Failure And Success with Greg Kimball
Katie Richardson and Greg Kimball sit down LIVE to share with the world the 1% shift that will make or break you in life…and here’s a hint…it’s not what you think! Greg’s story shows that one conversation will be the catalyst for exponential success. Greg’s “final percent” system has revolutionized the way entrepreneurs and other high-performing individuals approach their success. Greg is leading the way for significant change in this world, and when you listen to this episode of the What’s Working Now Podcast you will see how you too can make that 1% game-changing shift in your life.
3 Key Takeaways:
- The difference between night and day is only 1%
- Your “vehicle” might be the reason you aren’t accomplishing the biggest goals in your life
- To become a mentor, you must first (and simultaneously) become a mentee
Show Notes
Episode specific Intro:
[00:21] This episode is LIVE, not recorded on Zoom.
[00:59] Greg Kimball’s story
- He started his career in the music industry.
- Starting at 15 years old he learned to not simply ask “what are you doing?” He learned to ask “Why are you doing this?”
- There is a “signal flow” of life…
- He was nicknamed “Yoda” in college because he was always trying to coach those around him.
[05:11] Greg shares about his episode with Katie Richardson
[05:51] Discovering his passion for motivational speaking
- Attending the Grant Cardone 10x event after winning a pitch contest
- Tim Story came and didn’t sell anything, but he spoke directly to Greg’s fears and helped him step into his courage as a motivational speaker
- “I didn’t want to be the next person to consume content from the greatest speakers and regurgitate what I heard. I want to create my own story” – Greg Kimball
[08:15] Greg’s experience about being eclipsed
- “Don’t stare at the sun!”
- In that moment God told me that “1% is the difference between night and day”
- Is that final percent making the difference between failure and success in your life
[12:52] Greg’s story…
- After suffering a horrible divorce he moved to Denver and decided to be homeless for a few months so he could finance his dream.
- He rented his first recording studio and began his journey
[15:00] The defining moment for Greg
- Driving through a snowy mountain and almost dying
- “Following that snow plow probably saved my life”
- Greg had his first “how did I get here?” moment
- He decided to slow down and start learning from the best in his industry
[17:27] “In order to be a great mentor, you have to first be a great mentee” – Greg Kimball
- Greg has his own coach who he considers to be significantly more successful than he is.
- Marriage is never about coaching one another, but having individual coaches.
- Never say the word “should” to your spouse.
- “Should” is a shaming word and a coaching word
- “Laziness deserves zero grace” – Greg Kimball
[20:07] Your “vehicle” is probably the reason you aren’t getting to where you want to be
- If you try to take a car to Hawaii you’re never going to get there!
- “In 5 years you’re going to arrive. You are going to arrive at a well designed life or an undesigned life. It’s your choice.” Jim Rohn
[23:27] Greg gets his first speaking gig
- Coach Bert was Greg’s first coach. Greg drove for 2 hours for a lunch meeting.
- A few weeks later Coach Bert invites Greg to speak on his first stage…a cruise ship
- Greg gets the worst spot at the event, but that single talk caused Coach bert to invite Greg to share his story on tour
- When Greg arrived at his first day on tour he realized that he would be speaking with Sharon Lechter and Tim Story
- “You’re one conversation away from changing your entire life” – Greg Kimball
[26:12] Katie asks Greg the same question he asked her…”Why Coaching?”
- “From a business standpoint coaching is one of the worst uses of time, but from a spiritual perspective it is enlightening” – Greg Kimball
- “I want to equip creative individuals and then let them explore” – Greg Kimball
- Stop being Clark Kent. Become Superman!
- Sometimes equipping hurts, but it will always help you become the best you.
- “Don’t be scared to light the flame of someone else. Lighting their flame won’t diminish your own.
Connect With Greg
- Go to www.thefinalpercent.com to help get “unstuck” for free!
- Connect with Greg directly on all social media platforms at @gregkimball
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