Nate Woodbury, creator of new lead strategy “Leaf” method and host of over 20 YouTube channels joins host Katie Richardson to talk shop about YouTube’s labyrinth of algorithms and why you are likely looking in the wrong places to generate leads. Hear his insights on why it’s simpler than you think (you don’t need to pay for leads) and even what entrepreneurship and Disney’s Moana have in common.
3 Key Takeaways
- Worry less about the number of people asking the question and more about niching down. Google will make your video a response to similar questions.
- You have ALL the equipment necessary to start utilizing YouTube. Stop waiting to be perfectly polished or you’ll never get there.
- It’s okay to cut your losses and focus on a new, easier method that brings higher results, even if you spent a lot of time and money on the old approach. Learn to let that go and accept what you learned.
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[1:05] Guest Nate Woodbury shares an experience that shaped who he is today
[5:15] Nate explains why Moana is one of his favorite movies and what it has to do with entrepreneurship
[7:20] The calling of entrepreneurship can sometimes make it easy to question your calling, but it’s up to you
[10:10] Nate gives an explanation of why his lead courses are different from the norm
[14:50] It’s okay to cut your losses and focus on a new method that brings results more easily
[18:25] Find a question, even if it seems there are only 25 people asking, and Google Ranking will expand your reach for similarly asked questions
[23:18] Is there a window of time to determine that YouTube really likes you?
[27:50] Do you need to have a certain number of subscribers?
[31:11] Nate explains the ways that people can learn and get involved in his leaf method and who it works for
[35:27] What would Nate say to people who fear going behind the camera?
[38:18] Nate answers What’s Working Now’s rapid-fire round
Visit natesfreetraining.com to learn his new YouTube strategy
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber
Nate’s YouTube channel
Website: betheherostudios.com
About Nate Woodbury
Nate Woodbury is a YouTube Producer, currently producing a variety of “How To” YouTube channels. He helps them grow their YouTube following, and turn their channels into lead generation machines that generate seven figures. His largest channel generates over $1M per month all from organic YouTube traffic.
You have expertise that people need, but people don’t know you exist. Nate helps you make strategic videos to ensure these people find you, follow you, and trust you. By leveraging your expertise on YouTube, you build a massive following, that will buy whatever you present to them.
Nate is a master of efficiency and his brain always thinks in reference to the end result. Because activity without a focus on results is a waste of time, he’s innovated ways to minimize time and expense and maximize results.
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