Our infamous host and podcaster, Katie Richardson, brings the first new episode of What’s Working Now from her new exotic and tropical location overseas. But that’s not the only exciting development of the episode, as Katie is “here with one of the most exceptional entrepreneurs on the planet,” Sharon Lechter. Sharon is an “awesome and amazing” mother, multi-published author, award winner, and genuine coach (among other things). Today, she brings her insights to their conversation about mindset as a cornerstone of success, how Sharon has organized financial teams, and what about mentoring that gets her out of bed ready and excited every morning. Listen in and learn why life should be what you love!
Listen to the Full Episode
3 Key Takeaways
- Why you may need to step back and identify the areas where you can do the most good
- How to master the powerful connection between thoughts, words, and actions
- Why you need to rid yourself of stigma and allow yourself to be who you were designed to be
Show Notes
[00:50] Sharon shares a moment that has defined who she is today
- Wanting to become a professional coming out of college
- Being a successful CPA in corporate
- Realizing she isn’t in control of her work life
- Starting her entrepreneurial journey
- Doing a Pros and Cons list on her yellow page
- “‘Why not?’ Why not do something different? Why not take control of my life and that path less traveled?” -Sharon Lechter
[2: 50] How Sharon determines where she will spend her time and focus her energy
- COVID’s impact on Sharon’s decision making process
- Saying yes to everything
- Having to reign it in and walk the talk about the value of your time
- Taking a step back and saying “I’m doing too much”
- Identifying where she can do the greatest good and where she can support/challenge people
- “Sometimes you have to learn to say no so you can say yes to the right opportunity.” -Sharon Lechter
- You redefine what’s really important to you
[6:20] What does the organization of Sharon’s team look like?
- Having a team for each business and managing them separately over the phone
- Keeping two or three companies within the financial side of her business
- They delegate teams to work with as well
- Having weekly meetings with their social media team discussing measurables and benchmarks
- “That’s something that you have to pay attention to when you’re outsourcing: what is the accountability and what does the communication chain look like?” -Sharon Lechter
- Understand where you’re going!
[8:05] How Sharon balances her personal and emotional needs with work
- Being guarded about their mornings
- Working on healthy eating and exercise
- “It’s important for people to understand that unless you make the time for something, it’s not going to happen.” -Sharon Lechter
[10:22] Resources and aid that Sharon put together to help entrepreneurs in a pandemic
- Battling the besiege of negativity mentally
- Launching her Daily ATMs message to boost confidence and inspire action
- We have to start inwardly to gain real happiness!
- The power of doing something for yourself
- Go to atm.sharonlechter.com for more info
[15:45] The power of a powerful mindset
- How Sharon became aware of mindset and asking better questions
- Life teaches you the power of your thoughts, words, and actions
- Words can cause actions to happen and both are tied to your thoughts
- Change from a mindset of scarcity/fear to one of abundance/faith
- “Take a leap with faith.” -Sharon Lechter
[19:20] Sharon’s understanding of the importance of coaching
- Her father and math/English teacher’s council as a major factor of Sharon’s adult decisions
- Her house mother in college telling her she’d be a stage performer
- Being taught to respect her elders and listen
- “I’ve always learned, supported, and sought wisdom from people.” -Sharon Lechter
- Mentorship is powerful because the right people can coach you but also open doors for you
- Sharon’s personal success formula that she uses when coaching
- Your level of success is what you’re doing with your money, not how much of it you make
[24:33] Assets that Sharon is excited about right now
- The diversification of assets among categories including paper assets, real estate, businesses, and personal intellectual property
- Understand what asset class you want to get good at
- Ask yourself what’s next
[26:10] What is Sharon’s north star that helps her to power through the difficulty and change
- It’s not about the money, it’s about the impact
- Her ongoing Facebook group
- Getting thrown into her world of numb after losing her son nine years ago
- “We all have things that set us back in our tracks. But you’re still here. And you’re here for a reason.” -Sharon Lechter
- Launching a movement because of her decision to play big again
- Starting her one-on-one mentoring
[30:20] Sharon shares how she is not a stranger to down days and negative feedback
- Using the positive feedback and knowing you touched someone’s heart to push forward
- “Sharon, have you added value to someone’s life today?”
[31:12] If Sharon could give advice to her 40-year-old self, what would it be?
- “I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for everything I’ve experienced up until this point.” -Sharon Lechter
- “You are perfect. You were designed to be you and nothing else. Find what’s important to you and put every aspect into it.” -Sharon Lechter
[32:59] Something Sharon does consistently every day
- Exercise, hug her husband, and reach out to at least one child/grandchild
[33:16] A book that Sharon goes back to frequently
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall
[33:50] Advice that has served Sharon in her life
- “You can become and do anything you want to if you just put forth the effort” -Sharon Lechter
- Reach for the stars!
- You cannot change someone else. You can only change how you react to them.
Email at info@sharonlechter (Please reach out; they’re here to help you!)
Website: sharonlechter.com(get info about her mentoring programs)
The Personal Success Equation: personalsuccessequation.com (get a free download and launch the journey to your own success!)
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall
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