From IG Influencer to Coaching and Memberships with Jenica Parcell
Host Katie Richardson is absolutely ecstatic to invite her guest, Jenica Parcell, on today’s episode of What’s Working Now. Jenica started her claim to fame by creating a socially-driven business in 2013 as an influencer and founder of her fashion company: A Slice of Style. But in the newly growing world of hyper-curated social platforms and artificially perfect lifestyles, Jenica felt a call to “stop leading a double life” and instead open up to her viewers in an honest way, revealing her greatest vulnerability: her battle with infertility.
Fast forward to now, and Jenica is living the life she dreamed of. Not only does she have two adorable kids, but also, she’s shifted her business focus to a topic that brings her fulfilment and aid to the world’s women, started her own podcast, and found an emotional/work balance that brings her the most energy and self-confidence she’s ever had.
Listen in on her wealth of advice today, and learn how she made that insane shift!
3 Key Takeaways
- Why you should accept the extremely uncomfortable that comes with growth
- Why Jenica keeps a “when in doubt” note file on her phone
- How Jenica made a total pivot from fashion to infertility coaching and in-between
Show Notes
[5:10] Jenica realizes that sharing her infertility story is what she needed for herself
- Her story takes off and influences like-minded women
[7:22] Sharing vulnerability in a hyper-curated social media world
- Her decision to share anyway
- “I just felt very pulled to share, and I think it’s because I have a strong testimony of who I am…It was like this pull that this was the direction my life needed to take. And I just trusted that even though it was uncomfortable.”-Jenica Parcell
- [10:30] “I thought to myself: ‘This is my trial right now, and if it wasn’t this, it’d be something else.’”-Jenica Parcell
- “Life doesn’t need to be perfect to be amazing!”-Jenica Parcell
[16:52] What she realized that brought her the most freedom in her life
- Realizing that nothing’s gone wrong when something is absolutely terrible
- As a human being understanding that you will have to have ups and downs
[18:50] Conceiving twins after so much trial
[20:09] How her business bloomed
- Working with amazing brands
- Speaking at a non-profit infertility dinner
- Making the choice to stop doing everything she was to move forward with her new business
- Opening up to life coaching
- Getting certified and creating her newly-launching program for women with infertility
[27:43] Jenica talks about her decision to make a “Total Pivot” in her company
- Jenica meets Katie
- “Resistance happens…Especially when you’re doing things that are so worthwhile, resistance is going to happen. And so sometimes I need a reminder to keep going. Because I have those concrete moments in my life that were…unmistakably ‘YES. You’re on the right path.’”-Jenica Parcell
- The horrible struggle to make a big company decision and Katie’s influence on it.
[34:50] Jenica explains her instant spark with Katie when she met her
- Transitioning Slice of Style into her new company, The Slice of Son
- What she’s doing today
- Implementing a monday hour one to-do list in her calendar
- Letting go of what’s not going to fit into her hours
- Launching her Women in Infertility program
[41:45] How Jenica’s coaching experience with Katie was so different and so much better than she expected
- How Jenica deals with the days that feel like entrepreneurship is just too much
[48:15] Jenica’s advice for the person in conflict with a succeeding business but wanting to maintain meaning and relief in their lives
- Take baby steps
- Being smart
- Accept the awful discomfort that’s a part of growth
[51:25] Something that Jenica does every day
- Not looking at your phone in your morning routine, physically moving to her office, and reading something that’s fulfilling, as well as writing
- Making her bed
- Exercising
[54:50] The best advice Jenica’s been given
- This won’t last forever
- Nobody knows what they’re doing. The point is that I’m going to continue to learn, I’m going to continue to try.
[56:38] A book that Jenica keeps on her night stand
- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
[58:45] One big takeaway from this conversation
- Accepting yourself as a human being with all of the good and all of the bad
- When you are experiencing discomfort or sadness, know nothing has gone wrong
Connect with Jenica Parcell
Handel: @JenicaParcel
Website: thesliceofsun.infertility.com
Podcast: Fearless in Infertility
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