You and Katie Richardson explore Tom Shipley’s vast portfolio of business experience on today’s episode of What’s Working Now. Tom has figured out how to keep his family as the main focus in his life while taking his brands to 2 Billion dollars in business to consumer products.
Much of Tom’s business sense is gleaned from his service in the Isreal Defense Force Special Forces. Where he learned teamwork and relentless resilience. Check it out in this episode.
3 Key Takeaways
- Getting knocked down will happen. Get back up and push yourself forward.
- Add zeros to your ideas. In other words, think bigger. Don’t limit yourself by thinking small.
- Your family has to be at the center of everything you do. Be there. Have structured time together.
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[2:04] Tom’s adversity story of his youth. How do I rescue myself from a life of mediocrity?
[5:20] Small likelihood of success – Tom’s Isreal Defense Force service story.
[5:30] Focus on the numbers you want to and not the ones you don’t.
[6:30] Get your vision outside of your head and into action.
[9:00] Tom would rather have someone on his team with a little bit less capability and high trust.
[9:45] You have to ask yourself what’s the worst thing that could happen.
[12:00] Tom’s turning point story.
[14:50] The responsibility for others that entrepreneurs take on is heavy.
[16:45] Do you have traffic, conversion, order value, or call structure problems?
[18:30] Tom’s question to Ryan Deiss: “If it was life or death and you had one shot and you had one media buyer, who would it be?”
[20:00] Don’t always scrap everything and start over. Dig into the details of your system and reanalyze what you are doing and see what little tweaks you can make.
[21:30] For your team: “What’s next in the queue, make sure it’s the biggest impacting thing, based on learning that we did this week.”
[21:45] Create an environment where your team feels they have the responsibility to challenge anything they think is not true.
[22:35] How to quantify things that don’t seem measurable.
[22:40] There’s a system impact to everything.
[28:30] Creating an environment where your team feels they can be their best selves, despite what is going on outside of work.
[24:45] Tactical managemnet operations.
[32:20] Tom says that regular meetings on every level of staff are essential.
[34:34] How do you share the vision with your team?
[39:37] How Tom keeps his work-life balance in check
[43:00] You have to get out of your comfort zone and open your mind to different options.
Katie’s Fun Life program: www.katierichardson.com/funlife
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