Just A Girl With Curls

Before Katie became a globally recognized designer and entrepreneur, she was just a girl who liked having fun.
Her hair was curly and not strait like her friends and her interests were different from most, and Katie interpreted this as being as “not as good as anyone else” and “not good at anything”.
Despite that self esteem hurdle she learned woodworking from a master of the craft, welding from a gunsmith, drawing from the best, and sewing from her mom so she could make her own dresses….but what good is any of that, she thought…:)
Big success wasn’t even on her radar. There was so much imposter syndrome going on in her head (so much). And even more, she believed that being a “good” mom meant only pursuing motherhood and nothing else.
Then one day in a store with her two kids by her side, a very direct store owner asked to buy a product Katie had made and was wearing. “Oh, I don’t have a business. I’m JUST A MOM who likes to make stuff. I don’t have time for a business.” The store owner grabbed her by the shoulders, looked her square in the eyes and said, “Look. I know life is very busy right now. But someday these kids are going to grow up, you’ll suddenly have some time on your hands and you will wish you had done something with this talent of yours.” (ouch)
That feeling of regret lit a fire inside of Katie that helped her commit to building a business and that fire burns bright (seriously, that glow is real!) She created a business called Puj. You can now find her products in 2,000 US stores and in 26 different countries. Her products have been sold to over 1 Million Customers around the globe.Today, Katie’s greatest hope is that she can be that inspiration for other women just like you.
She’s been featured on the Ellen Degeneres Show, Rachael Ray Show, Today Show and on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine. Martha Stewart, Matt Damon, Camilla Alves, Mario Lopez, Robert Downey Jr., Kourtney Kardashian, Bill & Giuliana Rancic, and Pam Beesley are just a few of the celebrities known for using her products.
Today Katie is a Coach to Entrepreneurs, Mom to four, Wife, Author, and a Powerful Speaker.
Find Out "What's Working Now"
In Business, Life, and Love
On my show I go deep and uncover the best strategies and principles of the most successful people. Listen in to get the very best insight into what is working now in the dynamic world of business, life, and love we are all part of.
We are not searching for superficial tactics and tricks but for the nuggets of wisdom that help each of us become the very best version of ourselves. I hope you’ll join me on the show.
A Day In The Life...

Sometimes you just have to say yes.
Katie Richardson

I call myself the accidental entrepreneur. I didn't have grand visions of building an empire in the beginning of my career. I think that is a good way for any business to start. I just saw problems no one else was fixing and I decided to do something about it. If I can do this, anyone can!
Katie Richardson

One of the things I love as an entrepreneur is that we get to learn new skills and develop new talents every day.
Katie Richardson
Katie and Ben have created the top private group in the world for visionary founders who are creating the future with powerful brands.
You used to be able to put out a shingle and be open for business. It doesn’t work that way anymore. Building a business today is easier than ever, but also much more dynamic than ever. It takes a solid understanding of product, authenticity, and messaging to make it all work.
Ben and Katie have brought the art and science of building a brand to a whole new level. The strategies of this Power Couple amaze even the most seasoned entrepreneurs.
If you are a creator with a big vision and want to learn what it’s like to “Bend Reality” you can join us over at NTNRML
Powerful Client Transformations