We’re in a recession. That means a ton of added stress when it comes to managing your business.
So in this episode of What’s Working Now?, Katie Richardson shares the story of how she pulled her company out of the 2008 recession by leveraging her design thinking combined with some ancient wisdom to create something that didn’t previously exist.
Katie discovered an invisible lever that she could pull to catapult her business well past her competitors. It was the key to her success, and it can be the key to your success, too, if you want to learn more about how to get there.
Don’t miss the chance to attend this workshop on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 and permanently transform your business.
3 Key Takeaways
- Design thinking can help you solve problems and grow your business; we’ll talk about it in the episode.
- There is an invisible lever that can help you magnify your success and I’m ready to share it with YOU.
- The world needs you during times of recession and volatility now more than ever.
Listen to the Full Episode
Show Notes
[00:00:03] – Katie shares with you a story to inspire you during a time of volatility.
During times of volatility, there is incredible opportunity for business.
[00:03:04] – In the first eight episodes of the podcast, she shares her own personal journey, how she became an entrepreneur, and how she navigated it in terms of strengthening her marriage, her spirituality, her responsibility, and her privilege of being a woman and mother, and continuing to grow and develop a business.
[00:03:59] – Katie started her business during the recession of 2008 with no business experience. Yet, her company went from being virtually nonexistent to being on store shelves in 2000 retail stores in the US and distribution in 26 different countries.
[00:06:17] – Katie didn’t have a business degree, but she did have an education in design. She used her design skills to build her business. She uses her business skills to show clients how to use an invisible lever to create a new and profound solution to their problem.
[00:10:24] – Join Katie’s workshop on how to focus on the fundamentals of your business. She will share client Devon’s story of how she helped him discover the lever inside his business and how it transformed his life.
The workshop is on Tuesday afternoon, 3 PM, eastern time. It’s going to teach you how to take what you’ve been trying to do the last two years and accomplish the results in 90 days.
Go to go.katierichardson.com/recession to sign up for this one-time opportunity workshop with Katie!
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